1. Teens don't Twitter. It is a waste of texting.
2. Teens don't read newspapers.
3. Banner ads don't work on teens.
4. Teens do not BUY music when there is music to share or stream.
5. Teens want unlimited texting - Free!
These are all interesting points, but who have thought otherwise?
I love how the tech world is growing by leaps and bounds.. and adults are diluting forums and programs that were aimed at the young set.
Myspace, Facebook and Twitter were created so teens and college kids could socialize quickly and effectively. Parents and businesses caught on and took over the operation. Myspace went corporate with Facebook soon to follow. When TV talk show hosts are "pimping" Twitter on their shows, you know it is on its way out in terms of hipness.
Here is what the new generation wants... Madison Ave. cringe and take notice:
1. Free music.
2. Free internet
3. Their own Youtube TV channel (with cash generated by ads sent directly to them!).
3. Free texting.
4. Cheap, but powerful cellphones.
5. Free video game sharing.
6. Better soft drink game prizes.
7. Less lame Reality shows... more Family Guy & Robot Chicken.
8. More comic book movies with heavy CGI.
9. No curfew.
10. Bigger allowance.
Easy as that!
Well! Shit Heads! Now here is what you get when you are not being coddled by some divorced parent looking to pay you off as a way of deeming themselves a credible adult role model:
1. A bike. Get out of the house and go to the park!
2. A baseball mitt.
3. A library card. You want FREE? it's all there, Baby!
4. A job. Grass looks great and smells great when it is mowed.
5. A list of home chores.
6. Paper, pens and envelopes to write relatives. Real communication.
7. A musical instrument.
8. A slingshot or BB Gun.
9. A fishing pole
10. Money for the collection plate on Sunday!
Mean? Nah! These are nothing! Just life lessons.
Turn off the TV for a week. Unplug all the electronics. Go invisible. You want to be a cool rebel?.. People will want you more after you've gone missing. Just a note!
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