Everybody loves to hear about their futures, whether they tell you or dismiss you. A little card magic (which comes from how the cards are selected) and a little explanation (the future is really created in the mind of the person getting the reading) and your turn as a fortune teller can begin.
IT'S ALL IN THE CARDS All you need is a quiet space and and regular deck of cards. No jokers. If you are at a party try to find a quiet spot like an available side room, kitchen or table. When you are doing your reading, you want to try to be one on one with the other person. There will always be gawkers and naysayers around you, but it seems more mysterious when you are talking low and directly with the other person.
CREATE INITIAL ILLUSION To build up the mood and a little suspense, have the person (we will call the Readee) guess the color of the top card. Either Red or Black. This will create the illusion that they are in tune with the coming fortune being detailed by the cards. If they guess wrong, either stop for a moment or pick someone else from the crowd and have them guess the color of the next top card. If they are correct, have them switch seats with Readee who has guessed wrong.
THE EXPLANATION OF THE CARDS This is the easy part. If the Readees can understand what the cards mean (you will probably have to explain this quite a few times) then they will create their own fortunes and misfortunes in their own mind. It is an easy deception and you do not have to manipulate any of the cards for some magical result. This is easier to learn that any magic card trick. The cards are based on suits and numbers (Royal face cards and Aces mean a higher number). The suits are explained as follows: Hearts mean something you like or you love. Diamonds mean money or good fortune. Clubs mean getting something, but paying a price. (Clubs are best explained that you may have had a great time at a New Year's Eve Party, but a hangover is the price. Or the new dress you bought looks great, until the credit card bill arrives.) And finally Spades, a warning or time to halt or stop what you are doing. The number of the cards is explained as: The higher the card, the more intense the situation or level of happiness (or difficulty) for that particular area of the Readees fortune. A 2 spade is less intense as getting a Jack of Clubs, but just as dangerous (or however dire you make the illusion of the reading).
THE READING & 5 AREAS OF LIFE There are 5 areas of a person's life that you can predict here. They are listed in the following: 1. How the Readee is feeling right now in their life! 2. Their Work or Career 3. Their Health 4. Their Finances (Different than work or career salary or income) 5. Their Love Life! (Always a popular area...save it for last!) Here is how this all works! You shuffle the cards a few time then tell your Readee to tell you to stop as you thumb through the deck. You say, "First! How are you feeling right now! Stop me at anytime. Just say Stop!" When they do, put that card face down on the table. Now do the same for the 4 other areas. All face down and next to each other. Remember the order of the areas, you don't want to disrupt the illusion that any of these cards mean less than the illusion you have created. Next, flip over each cards explaining the suits again as you go and the level of intensity that corresponds with the number.
Example #1. "How you feel now... A King of Spades... Stop what you are doing... You may be drinking too much... you may have a problem on your way home... be careful!"
Example #2 "Your Love Life" (They may claim they have none, it doesn't matter) "You have a 4 of hearts... love is on the way or just simmering, but there is someone out there that cares and wants you!"
Example #3 (If they have been drinking and get a Club) "Your health and you get a 8 of Clubs. Have fun... but be sure to take aspirin and drink a lot of water before you go to bed!"
Example #4 (They have had you pull a high Diamond card) "Your finances! Wow! You have some real money coming! Maybe WE should go to a casino tomorrow or at least play the lottery! Are you always lucky?" You see? It gets the ball rolling and some conversation with people you may never have met! But beware, if it is a reunion, you may hear some things you didn't want to know, especially from a family member!
Remember! The more dire or the schmaltzier the better when it comes to a reading. It's all for fun, but some people fall for it over and over again. They may even demand you tell fortunes at future parties! This has nothing to do with religion or black magic as it is to just entertain a group of people looking for a quick and fun diversion. It's easy to learn. And it's easy to meet new and interesting people (and hear about their lives) in the process. Have fun!
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