Alaska governor Sarah (Poser) Palin remarks in a (hard hitting?) * FLUFF * article for some running magazine that she could beat Obama in a running race! Is she still playing the media idiot?
Hey Honey?!!! You do look good at 45. You are not fat... yet! ...But that does not make you a contender for the role of leader of the whole free world. Now pick up your Victoria Secret lace off the floor, put it on and head to the kitchen and make your man a chicken pot pie.. and finish the dishes in the sink while you are waiting for the oven to heat up.
Obama may be a little bit too busy these days to train for some ego boosting photo shoot where you can wear spandex. He is trying to solve an economy problem (your party's administration ignored until it was too late) and end a war (your party's administration hemorrhaged money into with no exit strategy). Obama may race you to a microphone for a debate.. but with no cue cards or pre-knowledge of the questions... you may want to practice those running skills getting out the door from embarassment.
2012 your year? Keep running and staying fit. While the short list of Republican Prez candidates seem to be dropping like flies (how many affairs can these guys have?) ... and the GOP 100 light years behind in technology to rev up a new age voter base... it seems that only posing for these cheesecake photos can make you look like a viable candidate, or at least keeps you in the public psyche.
Your 15 minutes are at 12. Keep up the good fight.. and... Run.. run like the wind! the wind coming from the air in your inflated head!
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