Friday, April 16, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
They must be fed. There are contracts that have to fulfilled.
We must build bombs. We must keep our military stocked
and defense contractors in business. There will never be a
time in future US history, when the military complex
(defense contractors) will not lie, cheat and steal just to
keep big money rolling in.
Vietnam proved that a war does not make an economy
soar. Especially as the nation soured on such a long
conflict. Hippies and country club types wanted women
to bypass college because one woman in college was
putting a draftee into war. Feminist movement? Thank
men for that... but also the military industrial complex who
got rich from the idiocy of conflict in Southeast Asia.
Nixon proved the White House can be run by greedy SOB's
who thought they could be above the law. He was caught
in his advisers web of foul play. The US government lost
the people's respect.
Jimmy Carter was an outsider. Outsiders can't play the game.
He was taken to task with the Iran Hostage Crisis. He lost.
US cried for a bad ass military to protect us, not a wimp Prez.
Reagan arrives... and its all Rah Rah.
What a Patriot! Reagan
cleaned up Nixon's mess
and made the Presidency something
of an ideal. He all but outspent
the entire Russian Communist
State with his pretend vision of
a Star Wars Military Space Platform.
Russia fell for it and drove the
country into a 3rd world economy.
Great dodge. But Reagan also pays
terrorists to bring hostages
back with guarantee of arms.
Then he forgets about it in front of
Congress. America loves him in
Second term because he recovered
from gunshot (though his Alzheimer's
was more dire to his presidency).
George Bush Sr kicked ass in Desert Storm I.
But after the war, he
couldn't fool the American people that the
economy was going to be ok.
Saddam survived Desert Storm I,
Bush didn't. He wasn't re-elected.
Past his dalliances, Clinton was a good president.
People had jobs.
Economy was robust. But at what cost?
Clinton's economic advisers
allowed financial institutions to trade unsecured
investments. At some
point, it just all had to collapse.
Bush, Jr was an idiot. He wasn't prepared
for the job. But just like Nixon, he had handlers.
Most of them, cronies from his father's
administration. The only reason George W.
had a second term was because his people
were able to play the terrorist threat
card (help from the military industrial
complex didn't hurt either). Start a war, maybe
the economy will flourish under Iraq's love of us as
saviors. They didn't! Bush, was more like his father.
he could not fathom what was happening to
the American people. Lost jobs, mortgage
collapse... and banking legislation
that would stop bankruptcies, but create a new
lower class (many of them
previously from the middle class).
George W. could not stop the gathering
economic storm. On the brink of a new Depression,
he hinted at bail outs
and then disappeared.
Oprah elected Obama. She picked him over Hillary
(a half African American over a white woman)...
Her minions were pissed. but they forgave her. Obama
made promises. Obama sited change Obama was
elected. And in the exact same time GW Bush would have
been on his 12th vacation to the ranch, Obama's
toiling came to fruition. The G.O.P. could no longer
block his first big legislation
battle. Health Care Reform was passed.
{ It will not be pretty. It will be costly. But now
preventative medicine outweighs
the alternative. To make Health Care work,
it has to be affordable... to the
family and the nation. This isn't socialism, dollars
will still dictate the best in
the market. Look.. one who could afford it, didn't
have to go to public school
as a child. Private schools were available.
health care can be seen in that
same light. And the best part, if it doesn't work...
it can be repealed, changed
or started up again in a new form. }
At some point, the American people have
to win out.... and be protected in
the process. It's time we as citizen's
have a parachute... just like one the military
industrial complex creates and charges
taxpayers $1000s of dollars. Thank you,
Ike! We.. The People... ARE worth it! Invest in US!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
What we do and what we don't do!

1. Teens don't Twitter. It is a waste of texting.
2. Teens don't read newspapers.
3. Banner ads don't work on teens.
4. Teens do not BUY music when there is music to share or stream.
5. Teens want unlimited texting - Free!
These are all interesting points, but who have thought otherwise?
I love how the tech world is growing by leaps and bounds.. and adults are diluting forums and programs that were aimed at the young set.
Myspace, Facebook and Twitter were created so teens and college kids could socialize quickly and effectively. Parents and businesses caught on and took over the operation. Myspace went corporate with Facebook soon to follow. When TV talk show hosts are "pimping" Twitter on their shows, you know it is on its way out in terms of hipness.
Here is what the new generation wants... Madison Ave. cringe and take notice:
1. Free music.
2. Free internet
3. Their own Youtube TV channel (with cash generated by ads sent directly to them!).
3. Free texting.
4. Cheap, but powerful cellphones.
5. Free video game sharing.
6. Better soft drink game prizes.
7. Less lame Reality shows... more Family Guy & Robot Chicken.
8. More comic book movies with heavy CGI.
9. No curfew.
10. Bigger allowance.
Easy as that!
Well! Shit Heads! Now here is what you get when you are not being coddled by some divorced parent looking to pay you off as a way of deeming themselves a credible adult role model:
1. A bike. Get out of the house and go to the park!
2. A baseball mitt.
3. A library card. You want FREE? it's all there, Baby!
4. A job. Grass looks great and smells great when it is mowed.
5. A list of home chores.
6. Paper, pens and envelopes to write relatives. Real communication.
7. A musical instrument.
8. A slingshot or BB Gun.
9. A fishing pole
10. Money for the collection plate on Sunday!
Mean? Nah! These are nothing! Just life lessons.
Turn off the TV for a week. Unplug all the electronics. Go invisible. You want to be a cool rebel?.. People will want you more after you've gone missing. Just a note!
Saturday, July 11, 2009

(Frequently Asked Questions)
As an acting coach and talent counselor, I have heard my share of drama, heartache and success stories from clients, students and colleagues. I have enjoyed every minute of this career by being available to lend and ear and/or help center talent in the midst of angst or when they have questions.
So I decided to put a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) on this page to help alleviate and answer any uncertainties of what services I offer professional talent.
1. Who are your clients?
Actors, models and entertainers interested in marketing their professional careers. All ages. All across the US. I have contact to over 600 agents in the US and can work with talent via the web, by phone or in person.
2. What kind of marketing is needed for talent?
If a talent does not have an agent, I help pinpoint one. I will also help show you how to (correctly) approach, sign and establish a working relationship with your chosen agent.
3. How else do you help talent?
Acting classes, workshops and seminars. I also do guest speaking on careers in the field of entertainment for groups, schools, colleges & universities.
4. Are there a lot of paying jobs for talent out there?
I ask you this question, when was the last time you turned on the TV, radio, opened a newspaper or magazine and did NOT see an ad? There are plenty of jobs. It's how to get the audition, that separates you from them.
5. If I want to get a personal one on one consultation, how do I go about it?
I work out of the Midwest, but communicate by telephone through online. There is a nominal charge for the consultation, but the advice is well worth the price.
6. What if I am not that good and I am wasting your time?
If you are not that good, you would have NOT come to me in the first place. I live by the spiritual adage that when you are ready to learn, the teacher appears.
People don't join my program to fail. The enthusiasm and intensity of the program keep talent working, referring others and coming back for advice.
7. My husband and I are not creative or talented but our child is and wants to get into entertainment, what do we do?
You enroll them in my Creative Kids Talent Workshop classes, or art class, or dance or any program that lets them grow creatively. No one throws a child into entertainment without doing their homework. You are not going to make your child a working talent without taking calculated steps. I have been counseling parents and adults since 1990. I have been a working talent for over 40 years. I know the industry. I take great pains to keep up with all of it. When you have questions come to me.
8. Is there a place where we can read about the business?
There is our Message Board : CLICK HERE
9. My parents don't want me acting or can't afford classes, what do I do?
Study the industry. Amazingly enough, the harder you focus on something, the quicker opportunities come to you.
10. Are you as fun as you seem?
The reason it looks like I am having fun is because I am so enthusiastic about what I do. I could act, direct, teach and counsel 24/7. This is a fun life because my heart is in it 100%.
God, Game Shows & Peyton Manning's Knee

#1 Christian TV viewers may have a hard time watching a Christian TV game show. If they have donated money to that station to continue on its good works, they may not be so pleased to see it being handed away to contestants appearing only for the money. They may see the appearance apparently tied to some level of greed. (IE.. I know the Bible so as to get paid to answer a few questions!)
#2 The millions of dollars that contestants win on shows like Who Wants to be a Millionaire or Deal or No Deal come from sponsors to the show or through an insurance company. These shows know that only a minuscule percentage of contestants will win the big money, so they pay high insurance premiums to cover themselves. The same insurance premiums that protect companies from half time wins of fans making full court baskets, or throwing a football through some hole for big money.
#3 Are people tuning in to glorify God, hear the Word of the Lord being spread to otherwise non believing TV game show fans, or just to watch people make money?
#4 Are games shows akin to gambling?
These were all questions he had to ponder before deciding if he had a really good idea or just wanted to find another niche way to get on TV as a TV personality. He obviously is a very strong believer. But I have long learned that there are believers, pretenders,the apathetic and the deniers. Though the show had merit in my eyes, maybe on a smaller scale than handing out millions (maybe a trophy or a medallion), I would believe that the TV pitch was a good explanation of the fine line between worshiping in good faith and worship the golden idol.
I have many friends who worship money and possessions. They scoff my faith, which I rarely hammer to express any point. I have also seen possessions disappear in an instant. A divorce, old age, even a bad debt can take away any and all a person may own. Worshiping money and wealth leads to shallow faith in my opinion.
Trying to explain worship is even harder. I will give an example of how convoluted it can become.
After a NFL football game, while the players are shaking hands and giving interviews, some players (from both teams) meet at the 50 yard line to pray. It is somewhat inspiring if you, as a believer, get the chance to see it. Men from different walks of life, playing in the same sport, meeting after the heat of (sports) battle, taking a knee all to praise God. Unfortunately, the NFL would never televise it for any period of time. Why? They don't want to disrupt their presentation by making players look pious, alienate non believing viewers or promoting religion. There's no money in it for their sponsors.
But let's say that I wanted to produce a TV show using a series of clips from these prayer meetings. After getting past the NFL, would some hometown fans show animosity to it all because their team's sports hero wasn't taking part in it or, better yet, was?
IE.. 'Hey! The after game prayer this week is featuring the Colts and Ravens. It is being led by Ray Lewis! Hey, wait! Where's Peyton Manning? Oh, he must be hurt, or doing an interview, or his knee is still bothering him or (1 million other excuses), etc...
Maybe Peyton Manning is such a devout man he doesn't need show it on this new TV show. Gatorade (who pays him millions, wants him immediately afterward at a press conference wearing their hat, or jacket, or logo. As you can see. It becomes convoluted.
We all worship in our own way. Our devotion sometimes is only as big as our heart, but unfortunately most of the time, it's only as big as our most dire need.
I am all for the idea of spreading the Word, if a game show is the way, so be it! It's just that as a test of faith I ask, who would be served by this kind of worship... God or money?
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Michael Jackson: Side by Side

I followed their success through TV appearances, radio play lists and even Tiger Beat magazines. I knew that Jackie wanted to be the break out star of the group and then Jermaine. (Tito was just a recognizable cog in the Jackson family marketing machine.) But it was always Michael. On Ed Sullivan, it was Michael. Tonight Show..again Michael. Merv Griffin... Michael. Michael was the popular, cute and talented front man to the group. Other performers wanted to be or aspired to be Michael.. including Donny Osmond (the Pat Boone version of Michael). But Michael was Michael.
Michael found independence from the Jackson grind with the popularity of Ben. The theme love song from A movie about a rat. The song was better than the film. Michael knew he could probably make it on his own, even if the networks gave the group a cartoon show... and later a Sonny & Cher type TV variety program. Michael fully knew his popularity after playing the Scarecrow character in the film The Wiz starring his friend and career mentor Diana Ross.
The Disco era arrived and Michael made one last concert go with his brothers ushering in the Dancing Machine Michael. Michael could dance and people would pay to see him electrify the stage.
Quincy Jones appeared and took Michael to the stratosphere. His album Off the Wall was his solo launching point, laying the ground work for the coming Thriller avalanche of success.
The Perfect Storm. Three things coming together at the right time. MTV needed a popular hook and personality for the music/TV format. Michael needed to find a new audience. Quincy Jones provided the beat. Michael was old school... Moms and Dads knew who he was.. he was a safe album to buy for their kids. Michael was good looking... young girls fawned over his doe-y eyes and lean, dancing body. Marketers loved the glove, the jacket, the parodies and the groups they could promote using his coattails. No Michael... no Prince. No Michael.. maybe, no Madonna. No Michael... no Weird Al? No Boy groups, etc... Michael was not just the King of Pop... he was the master of his own domain!
Unfortunately, a career crumble is always bound to happen after reaching a successful summit. How do you follow up the greatest selling album of all time? You change your image and become.. Bad? Michael's album Bad was good.. but it wasn't Thriller. But no album was going to be Thriller. Lightning does not strike twice in the same place. Michael just outdid Off the Wall with Thriller. Michael did not want to usurp Thriller with Bad... just keep selling his music.
Michael reunited with his brothers to let them share in his personal success and went on a Victory Tour (promoted by Jimmy Osmond, no less). His sense of family career duty and responsibility was all but finished. Except for his promotion of sister Janet and an awkwardness in dealing with sister LaToya's public eccentricities.
But Hollywood called... and Michael had to play the part.. public Michael. Be seen with celebrities. Have celebrity friends. Live the celebrity lifestyle. Michael was magical (so said the press) he better live like it... Neverland ranch came into being. A wonderland. Disney without Mickey... just Michael. But as opposed to Disney... a corporation that churns out, packages and repackages product.... Michael was only a man. Or was he? He was painted as a Peter Pan. The boy who never grew up. Neverland was supposedly the childhood he never had. He could play with kids. He could be a kid. And when he wanted more friends.. he had his own kids. All through a sham marriage or 2.
Now was he a pedophile? Two schools of thought. One... he did pay off a child $20+ million dollars to keep quiet about some personal issue. And then he was accused by another child of molestation... charges were proved false in court. Second school of thought.. He had sleep overs with young children. What type of parent allows their kids to sleep over with a 40 y/o man? Too weird.
The plastic surgery. Michael denied most of it... but if you ask 90% of Hollywood (Joan Rivers excluded)... they will deny it, too. But the rumor that Michael wanted to look like Diana Ross may have been somewhat true... as he did look like her with nose #3 out of 6. Chemical peel or skin disease? I'll guess, the peel. Hair straightener... definitely!
So bills mounted for Michael because living in a magical world is expensive. Lawyer bills are, too.
So he planned to head off he for a new tour. (Probably culminating in a long $$$$$$$$$ stay in some Las Vegas venue.) Had he shaken off all the bad press in the US to sell tickets? He was to start his tour in London. Safe enough and still some fanatical fans across the great pond.. Jacko and all. But Michael was 50.. he was not in his teens, 20s or even his 30s. Tours are grueling and grinding.. especially when your show has you dancing 75% of it! The drugs appeared. Was it the drugs that ended it all?
I have lived my own 50 years side by side with Michael. I am not sad or shocked by his demise. He death to me was like Elvis.. like John Belushi...even John Lennon. He was just another star who surprisingly went too soon.. but will live larger than life as legendary dead icon. Add Michael to that diner picture with James Dean, Marilyn Monroe and Elvis. His music will live long past his lifestyle. Death erases a lot of things... well, at least it did for Socrates. Rest in Peace, Gloved one!